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Yoga for the Eyes for Better Vision:

Part 1  Certification Program 

    Movement and Spirit Training for Healers and Practitioners

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Are you a health practitioner, yoga teacher, eye doctor or optometrist?

Would you like to add an amazing healing method to your practice? 

And help your clients and students have healthier vision?

Are you more interested in learning self-healing for your own vision?

If your answer is yes to anything above, this training is for you !!!!


5-full days, beginning every Sunday: once a month
from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Included: monthly online classes  and 30 minute monthly consultation

Price $1500


Each class day, you will learn different tools and principles that affect vision.

See more information about the
The 5-principles in The "Why Natural Vision" page .


Dates/subject of each class location:

1 - Healing Your  Nervous System as the Foundation of Healing Your Vision - Roys Redwoods, Marin County

2 - Vision and Connection to Nature and space ,  expanding peripheral vision at a beach.

3 - Meditation, Movement Therapy and Emotional Release Work  for Vision - Lake Anza Berkeley

4 - Neuromuscular Bodywork for , Emotional Release Work - Songbirds Healing Center in Sonoma

5 - Hands-on work :  Practitioners in Training -bring your clients family or friends to practice on and experience what you've learned - day in forest, west Marin


Some of the tools that you will learn:

• Specialized breathing, visualization and healing vision meditation.

• Unique movements such as sunning, palming, shifting periphery movement, and more.

• These will wake up underused nerves and muscles to expand the capacity of your movement.

• Coordination practice to create healthy patterns for your mind and body.

• Guided visualizations, meditations and self-massage to help relax your eyes and your entire body.

• Release emotions and energy blocks as you change your vision and reprogram your movement.

• Inner Vision, special meditation which will help you link between your physical and spiritual eyes.

* How to apply Yoga for the Eyes to help individuals with various disease states: diabetes, MS, glaucoma, blindness. etc. recover health and vision.


During the training an Online Class date will be announced. We will cover different subjects such as nutrition and vision. How to apply Yoga for the Eyes to help individuals with various disease states: myopia, glaucoma, blindness, cataracts , detached retina , macular degeneration, and others  recover health and vision. Each student will receive a 30-minute consultation session each month.


During this program, you will be encouraged to ask questions and discuss any issues that come up and get suggestions on any subject that is related to the program.


Heal your body and mind and See the world clear with better vision . To register for the Yoga For The Eyes For Better Vision Training please send your information and we will be in touch with  you soon. 

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